☉ Doctors online now - 15 minute priority booking available
Qoctor has a range of options to suit your needs.
Single, same day medical certificate ($14.99)
We suggest this service if you:
- Are unable to attend work or university due to a minor illness such as common cold, gastro/stomach bug, minor injury, period pain, fatigue etc
- Only need one day off (today’s date)
- a Backdated certificate is not required
Multi day medical certificate ($25.99)
We suggest this service if you:
- are unable to attend work or university due to a minor illness such as common cold, gastro/stomach bug, minor injury, period pain, fatigue etc
- require a certificate for more than one day OR a backdated medical certificate to cover yesterday/ other days within the last week
GP telehealth consultation ($49.99)
We suggest this service if you:
- Have long term, recurring or complex health issues
- If your university/employer requires a special form to be completed for your sick leave
- If your sick leave began more than a week ago
- If you’ve have already had 2 or more medical certificates in the past 4 weeks
- If you also need to discuss other health issues
Carer’s certificate ($25.99)
We suggest this service if you:
- If you are are unable to attend work/university because you are caring for a family or household member who is unwell
Priority Booking Queue (+$20)
- In a rush? Join the “priority queue” for an extra $20, and you’ll be seen within around 15 minutes!
We DO NOT routinely provide certificates for:
- Centrelink or Workcover
- Court or police matters
- fitness for work/ return to work
We have a no-fuss refund policy. Read more <here>.