What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men?
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection/disease (STI/STD) caused by a bacteria (Chlamydia Trachomatis). This means that it is spread by having sex or sexual contact with somebody who has already caught it. Chlamydia symptoms in women can include pelvic pain, discomfort when passing urine and vaginal discharge- infection can cause serious illness and severe fertility problems, as well as increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy (which can be fatal). But what are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men?
What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men?
Chlamydia symptoms in men may include:
- Burning when you pee
- Pain in the testicles (balls)
- Discharge from the end of the penis
- Rectal pain/discharge/bleeding in men who have received anal sex
- Long-term it can affect fertility
But in many cases there may be no symptoms at all- it can be a silent infection.
How common is Chlamydia in men?
It’s very common. Just how common is not really known. Experts estimate that about 1 in 20 young Australians may be infected, though many will have no symptoms of Chlamydia, and thus don’t know they have it.
What types of sexual contact are a risk for catching Chlamydia?
Touching genitals, vaginal sex, anal sex.
You can also get it in your eyes via your fingers.
You can get it in your throat from oral sex.
How can I avoid catching Chlamydia?
By having fewer sexual partners
By using condoms whenever you have sex
By getting you and your partner(s) tested regularly
How long can you have Chlamydia before you realise it?
Symptoms of Chlamydia in men may not be obvious- even if you’ve been infected for months or years. During this time it can cause damage to your sperm tubes which may render you infertile.
Is Chlamydia curable?
Yes. You can cure it using certain antibiotics. However, you can still catch it again, so ongoing safe sex is important- using a condom is the best way to protect yourself and your partners.
If I haven’t got any symptoms of chlamydia, why should I bother treating it?
3 main reasons:
- You might get symptoms at any time and they’re pretty nasty
- It can cause you to be infertile if left untreated
- You can spread it to partners and it can be an extremely serious condition in women
If you’re concerned about chlamydia symptoms or other sexually transmitted infections, speak to your doctor. There are also some further quality sources of sexual health information available online.
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