
What causes period pain?

Period pain occurs when the uterus works harder than normal to shed its lining, leading to contractions and cramps. The hormone-like compounds that cause these contractions are called prostaglandins, and can be reduced by taking anti-inflammatory medications.

While most women who experience bad period pain have no underlying health issues, sometimes there can be a cause for the pain, such as pelvic infection, adenomyosis, endometriosis or fibroids. If a woman regularly gets bad period pain, she should speak to a doctor for further assessment and advice.

What is Adenomyosis and what are the symptoms?

Adenomyosis- causes, symptoms & treatment symptoms causes diagnosis treatment What is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is when the type of tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrial tissue) also grows in the muscle layer of the uterus, where it continues to thicken, break down and bleed [...]
