What is Glandular Fever?

Glandular Fever is a very common illness.  Sometimes also referred to as “Infectious Mononucleosis”, it is usually caused by the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), though other viruses can also trigger it. In about half of cases a person will not be aware they have it (though they can still be contagious to others). Once a person has had exposure to the Epstein Barr Virus it does not ever fully leave their body, but lies dormant. A small number of people actually continue to shed or “excrete” the virus for years, and can pass it on to others. The typical symptoms of Glandular Fever include:

  • sore throat
  • swollen glands
  • fever
  • fatigue (which may last for weeks or months)
  • aches
  • abdominal pain, nausea and rash can also occur

There are some less common complications such as jaundice, hepatitis, meningitis, encephalitis and rupture of the spleen. Glandular Fever symptoms tend to be more prominent in teenagers and young adults. In this section we go through the common and rare symptoms of Glandular Fever, potential complications of Glandular Fever, how it spreads, and how it is diagnosed and managed.

Glandular Fever- the facts about the “kissing disease”

Glandular Fever- the key facts about the "kissing disease" Symptoms Complications Diagnosis Treatment What is Glandular Fever? Glandular Fever (also known as Infectious Mononucleosis) is a viral illness caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus (or EBV for short). EBV belongs to the Herpes family. Other Herpes viruses cause familiar infections [...]
