Is Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery Right for You?
Medically Reviewed by Dr Aifric Boylan
Last updated on 19.09.2024
Are your eyelids feeling heavy? Do they affect your vision, making everything blurry or giving you a sense of constant fatigue? Do you look at photos of yourself and find it hard to see your eyes under the sagging skin? If so, eyelid cosmetic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, might be the solution for you. This article might just be the thing you need to take the plunge and get it done.
Why have eyelid cosmetic surgery?
Also known as a ‘bleph,’ blepharoplasty removes excess skin from your eyelids. It is usually performed on the upper eyelid but can also target the lower eyelid to reduce ‘bags’ under your eyes.
Blepharoplasty is primarily a cosmetic procedure and ranks among the top three cosmetic surgeries in Australia, alongside breast augmentation and rhinoplasty.
Another procedure, ‘Asian blepharoplasty’ or double eyelid surgery, creates a crease in the upper eyelid. This may or may not include removing excess skin.
Is a blepharoplasty covered by Medicare?
All cosmetic procedures in Australia are out of pocket, which means you pay for them and they are not done in public hospitals. There is no government subsidy for cosmetic procedures.
Medicare covers blepharoplasty for therapeutic reasons, such as vision problems, nerve damage, or eyelid scarring, depending on the doctor.
What is the eyelid cosmetic surgery like?
Pre-procedure examination
Prior to the procedure, your doctor will examine you and decide what approach to take. In Australia, blepharoplasties are done by ophthalmologists (eye doctors), cosmetic doctors and plastic surgeons. You can pick which option is best for you depending on the doctor’s experience, costs, insurance coverage and whether it is a cosmetic or therapeutic surgery.
During the procedure
The procedure is usually performed as a day operation, so you arrive in the morning and leave the same day. The surgery lasts 1-2 hours, depending on whether both upper and lower eyelids are treated. Surgeons make a small cut to remove excess skin, and sometimes muscle and fat. They place the cut in the natural crease of your eyelid to hide the scar.
What happens after the eyelid cosmetic surgery?
Recovery is generally quick. You will have stitches in your eyelids which can feel a bit tight and uncomfortable for a few days. Your vision may be blurry for several days and you may be sensitive to light. If you wear contacts, you will have to wear glasses for a few weeks until your eyelids recover. You may have a dressing over your eyes for a day or two. If you have non-absorbable stitches, you will have to return to get them removed. It is more common to have absorbable stitches, which means less poking and prodding.
Risks of the procedure
Blepharoplasties are usually performed with local anaesthetic, numbing the eyelid while you stay awake. This method carries fewer risks and offers a faster recovery compared to general anaesthetic.
Risks with blepharoplasty include bleeding, infection, scarring, dry eyes, a poor cosmetic result and muscle damage.
The outlook
Blepharoplasty is a permanent solution, as the eyelid skin rarely becomes saggy or puffy again. Repeating the procedure is uncommon unless there is a poor cosmetic result or a complication.
All surgeries, whether complex or straightforward like blepharoplasty, require careful consideration. Evaluate if your issue or concern can be addressed with less risky non-surgical options.
Research thoroughly from reputable sources, ask your doctor questions, and choose the best option for you.
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