What is the best website for online medical certificates?

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Qoctor prioritises affordability, convenience, safety and trust, which are all key elements of a quality telehealth service.

  • Affordable. Qoctor offers a “same day” certificate option for only $14.99. This is incredibly good value- probably the best deal available for patients in the Australian market.
  • Convenient. Qoctor provides same day online doctor appointments, 365 days a year, wherever you happen to be in Australia. You don’t need a subscription. Qoctor can also backdate a certificate if appropriate (i.e. it will be dated today at the top, but can cover days in the recent past, at the doctor’s discretion).
  • Trustworthy. There is increasing awareness among employers that certain “dodgy” websites issue medical certificates without speaking to patients.  This is  deemed poor medical practice by the Australian Medical Board. A certificate from one of these low quality outfits is much more likely to be refused by your employer. If you use a telehealth doctor, your employer will want to know the service is trustworthy-  medical certificate that has been issued following a proper phone or video assessment such as Qoctor, in line with the telehealth standards of the Australian Medical Board, is far more likely to satisfy the requirements of your workplace or university. At Qoctor, we frequently get enquiries from employers to ensure we speak to our patients- and we are able to instantly confirm to them that we do. Due to this focus on quality, Qoctor is the online doctor of choice for team members of large Aussie companies like Coles and Deloitte.
  • Safety- because a Qoctor doctor assesses every patient, if your illness is more serious than first thought, you may also receive advice about what you need to do next- whether that’s seeing your local GP for an examination, or going to an ED if your symptoms are severe.

We believe that all these factors make Qoctor the best website for online medical certificates.

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