Thank you for registering with Qoctor – your online doctor!
Qoctor has partnered with DBCT to provide all staff with significant discounts on online doctor, GP telehealth service.
What services does Qoctor offer?
Qoctor is an online doctor/ GP telehealth service run by Aussie doctors, which you can access anywhere on your smartphone, tablet or desktop. Same day GP appointments are almost always available. Qoctor is open 8 am-12 pm on weekdays (9 am-10 pm at weekends), 365 days a year for common health issues and requests including prescriptions, assessment/treatment for minor illnesses, pathology requests, specialist referral letters, asthma/allergy action plans for kids, carer’s certificates, medical certificates and much more!
How much does an appointment cost for DBCT employees?
A consultation with an online doctor will range from $16 to $34 depending on the service you require:
Do I need Medicare?
No, Medicare is not mandatory- Qoctor is a private telehealth service, so Medicare is not required to book an appointment. However, Qoctor will need your Medicare number if you wish to access certain services such as an electronic prescription (eScript) or a mental health plan.
What about privacy?
Patient confidentiality is paramount. Qoctor will never pass any patient information on to third parties, unless expressly requested to do so by a patient.
Further Questions?
Live chat is available on the Qoctor home page throughout business hours, staffed by an experienced Melbourne-based team. Alternatively, you can email with any questions or issues!