OR if you just need a repeat referral letter to a specialist that you have seen in the past, start HERE.
About New Specialist Referrals
A new specialist referral is a letter from a GP to a specialist that you have never seen before. It will state the reason you need to see the specialist and any relevant medical history. In Australia Medicare card-holders get a rebate when seeing a specialist doctor, if they have a valid referral letter from a GP.
Qoctor can provide new specialist referrals online for the following:
- A surgeon for a vasectomy
- A dermatologist for acne
- A gynaecologist for insertion of a contraceptive coil
- A gynaecologist for female sterilization
- A respiratory specialist/lab for sleep studies to test for sleep apnoea
- An ophthalmologist for laser eye surgery
- A plastic surgeon for a variety of cosmetic procedures
Qoctor can also provide a repeat specialist referral if you are returning to a specialist you have seen in the past. Specialists generally need a new referral letter every 12 months.
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