What lifestyle changes are recommended if you have high cholesterol?

Lifestyle changes are aimed at reducing all risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease, and include the following: Quit smoking. Smoking allows LDL cholesterol to enter blood vessel walls more easily and cause damage. Healthy eating Increase exercise. Regular exercise appears to increase HDL levels while reducing LDL and triglycerides. Ensure blood pressure is normal [...]

When should you start treatment for high cholesterol?

The decision to start a medication depends on a person’s overall risk of heart disease and stroke (cardiovascular disease)- it’s different for different people. A cardiovascular risk calculator can be used to figure out your risk of getting a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years, based on your cholesterol results and other [...]

What is the Mini Pill (POP) and how does it work?

The mini pill (progesterone only pill) works by thickening the mucus in the cervix, preventing sperm from getting through to fertilise the egg. In some women, it also prevents ovulation. It must be taken every day during the same 3 hour period, otherwise pregnancy may occur.. There are no inactive or sugar pills, so unlike [...]
