What is a Buruli Ulcer? Symptoms, cause & treatment

What is a Buruli Ulcer? Symptoms, causes & treatment What is a Buruli Ulcer? A Buruli Ulcer is a bacterial infection of the skin caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Ulcerans, which belongs to the same family of bacteria as tuberculosis and leprosy. It’s sometimes also referred to as a Bairnsdale Ulcer (after the [...]

Sweating too much-what causes it and when is it serious?

Sweating too much- what causes it and when is it serious? Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling down- sweat evaporates from the skin and allows body temperature to drop. Short term increases in sweating may happen in hot surroundings, during exercise or if a person has an acute fever or infection. [...]

Is smoking “one a day” ok?

The harms of "light smoking" Does cutting down on smoking make much difference to your health? “Yeah, I still smoke, but I’ve cut right back, I’m down to one or two a day” These are words doctors often hear when they ask people about their smoking habits. While it may mean things are [...]
