Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

About Premature Ejaculation
Learn more about Premature Ejaculation

Welcome to Qoctor’s online doctor service which can provide assessment, advice and treatment for Premature Ejaculation.

We will ask you some questions about your health, just as a doctor does in clinic.

If treatment is appropriate, you can choose to have your medication delivered safely and securely from our partner pharmacies via Australia post – or you can have a paper prescription posted to you or your local pharmacy.


About Premature Ejaculation

  • Premature Ejaculation is when a man ejaculates during sexual intercourse sooner than he or his partner would like.
  • It’s very common- many men experience it now and then. But if it’s happening frequently, and occurs very shortly after intercourse begins, it can be distressing and frustrating- a man may even tend to avoid sexual intimacy as a result of
Premature Ejaculation

FAQs about Premature Ejaculation

What causes Premature Ejaculation?
  • The cause of premature ejaculation isn’t fully understood.
  • For a long time it was thought to be purely psychological, but now we know there can be physical factors too.
  • Psychological factors include poor self esteem or body image , depression, stress, anxiety, guilt, relationship problems, or a history of early or abusive sexual experiences.
  • If a man is worried about previous premature ejaculation, this can also increase the likelihood of it happening again. And if a man has a history of erectile dysfunction, he may tend to rush things at times, leading to premature ejaculation on other occasions.
  • Physical causes can include abnormalities of certain hormone levels, as well as infection or inflammation of the urethra or prostate gland.
What’s the difference between Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation?

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection hard enough for penetration during sexual intercourse. Premature Ejaculation is when a man “comes” sooner than he and/or his partner would like during intercourse. Though they may seem like two very different problems, some men may experience both issues at various times.

Can a person have both Premature Ejaculation AND Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, if a man experiences erectile dysfunction at times, he may tend to rush intercourse or find it difficult to pace himself as well as he’d like- potentially leading to premature ejaculation on other occasions.

Is there any treatment for Premature Ejaculation?

It’s important that any underlying causes leading to Premature Ejaculation are considered and dealt with as appropriate-such as stress and relationship problems, or physical health issues. A doctor may also suggest medication for men who suffer from premature ejaculation.
